LGOC Group

Financial Projections, Modelling & Forecasting

Since our experts know what it takes to hook investors' attention and present your compelling story.


Forecasting and planning is an essential tools when starting a new business or entering a new segment

Financial modeling, projections, and forecasting are essential financial planning and analysis processes used by businesses to estimate future financial performance, plan to calculate business growth, make informed decisions before execution, and assess the potential impact of various scenarios Analysis


Financial models, projections, and forecasts are important aspects of business planning. These assumptions should be carefully assumed and documented. Sensitivity analysis shows the various results that would happen in a business so the owner can make a plan to cover the losses and increase revenue growth


Financial projections and forecasts predict the business's future, but they are inherently uncertain. Regular monitoring and updating of projections are necessary to reflect actual performance and manage strategies accordingly.

Scenario Analysis

Businesses often create multiple scenarios with multiple assumptions to assess a range of potential outcomes. This approach helps manage risk and plan for different contingencies.

Business Plan, Financial Model for Start-up or Business

Financial modeling is a process of creating a mathematical representation of a company's financial performance. It is a crucial tool used by entrepreneurs or businessmen for decision-making, valuation, and forecasting of business performances.

Historical data


Financial statements

Financial Ratio

Sensitivity Analysis

Chart & Graphs

Scenario Analysis

Levered Cash Flow

Unlevered Cash Flow


Enterprises Value

Equity Value


Business valuation is the process of determining the economic value of a business or company. The valuation provides an estimate of what the business is worth in terms of its assets, earnings, and market conditions.



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The valuation report is presented to stakeholders, such as business owners, investors, or potential buyers, to assist in decision-making processes, such as selling the business, securing financing, or making strategic decisions.

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key Elements of Financial Model

Financial modeling and business valuation are essential tools for decision-making, financial planning, and analysis. They offer several benefits, including:

Informed Decision-Making

The report provides a structured framework for assessing the financial impact of various decisions and scenarios. This enables informed decision-making by considering the potential outcomes.

Strategic Planning

Financial modeling allows businesses to create forecasts and projections of revenue and profit growth. This is strategic planning by helping the companies set realistic goals, allocate resources, and identify areas where improvements are needed.

Capital Allocation:11

Business valuations help determine the fair value of assets, and projects. This assists in allocating capital to good opportunities and optimizing the use of financial resources.

Risk Management

By incorporating various scenarios and sensitivity analysis into financial models, businesses can identify potential risks and make strategies to manage future risks. This proactive approach enhances risk management.

Financing Decisions

Financial models assist in evaluating the feasibility of debt financing, equity financing, or other capital-raising methods. Businesses can assess the impact of different financing structures on their financial health.

Performance Monitoring

Ongoing financial modeling and valuation allow businesses to review their performance against predefined benchmarks and objectives. This helps in identifying deviations from the plan and taking corrective actions.


We present the business review from a financial perspective to clients

Capital Expenditure

Capital Expenditure- Strategic investments in assets, technology, and infrastructure to enhance a company's long-term operational efficiency, growth, and competitiveness.

Revenue Projections

Forecasting future income based on historical data, assumptions, market analysis, and business strategies, is crucial for financial planning and growth.

COGS and Fixed & Variable Expenses:

Product or services Cost related to running a business including Production, salary, marketing, rent, utilities, overheads etc.

Working Capital Calculations

Evaluate short-term financial health by subtracting current liabilities from current assets, indicating Cash position or liquidity and operational sustainability.

Multiple Based Valuations

This method in financial analysis assesses a company's value by comparing it to similar firms using various metrics.

Comparative Analysis

Evaluating the performance of comparative analysis by benchmarking it against similar entities, aiding in informed decision-making."

Key Valuations Drivers

Fundamental factors that significantly influence a company's worth, such as growth prospects, profitability, market conditions, and competition.

Pre and Post Money

Terms in Start-Ups Financing. Pre-money valuation is a company's worth before investment, while post-money includes the company's worth after investment.

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